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对外贸易经济合作部 国家工商局



第一条 为保护中外合资经营企业(以下简称合营企业)合营各方的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》及其他有关法规,制定本规定。
第二条 合营各方按照合营合同的规定向合营企业认缴的出资,必须是合营者自己所有的现金,自己所有并且未设立任何担保物权的实物、工业产权、专有技术等。
第三条 合营企业任何一方不得用以合营企业名义取得的贷款、租赁的设备或者其他财产以及合营者以外的他人财产作为自己的出资,也不得以合营企业的财产和权益或者合营他方的财产和权益为其出资担保。
第四条 合营各方应当在合营合同中订明出资期限,并且应当按照合营合同规定的期限缴清各自的出资。合营企业依照有关规定发给的出资证明书应当报送原审批机关和工商行政管理机关备案。
第五条 合营各方未能在第四条规定的期限内缴付出资的,视同合营企业自动解散,合营企业批准证书自动失效。合营企业应当向工商行政管理机关办理注销登记手续,缴销营业执照;不办理注销登记手续和缴销营业执照的,由工商行政管理机关吊销其营业执照,并予以公告。
第六条 合营各方缴付第一期出资后,超过合营合同规定的其他任何一期出资期限三个月,仍未出资或者出资不足时,工商行政管理机关应当会同原审批机关发出通知,要求合营各方在一个月内缴请出资。
第七条 合营一方未按照合营合同的规定如期缴付或者缴清其出资的,即■或违约。守约方应当催告违约方在一个月内缴付或者缴清出资,逾期仍未缴付或者缴清的,视同违约方放弃在合营合同中的一切权利,自动退出合营企业。守约方应当在逾期后一个月内,向原审批机关申请批准解散合营企业或者申请批准另找合营者承担违约方在合营合同中的权利和义务。守约方可以依法要求违约方赔偿因未缴付或者缴清出资造成的经济损失。
第八条 本规定施行之日前已领取营业执照的合营企业,如合营各方或者任何一方未按照合营合同规定的出资期限缴付其出资的,应当在本规定施行之日起两个月内缴清按照合同规定应当缴付的出资。
第九条 在本规定施行之日前已领取营业执照的合营企业,如果合营各方未在合营合同中订明各自出资期限,并且未缴清出资的,合营各方应当在本规定施行之日起两个月内,按照本规定签订关于合营各方缴付出资期限的合营合同补充协议,报原审批机关审批,获准后,向工商行政管理机关备案。
第十条 中外合作经营企业合作各方的出资参照本规定执行。
第十一条 本规定自一九八八年三月一日起施行。

Provisions for the Contribution of Capital by Parties to JointVentures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment

(Approved by State Council on December 30, 1987 Promulgated byMinistry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and State Administrationof Industry and Commerce)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
In accordance with The Law of the People's Republic of China on Joint
Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment and other relevant laws and
regulations, these Provisions are hereby formulated in order to protect
the legitimate rights and interests of parties to joint ventures using
Chinese and foreign investment (hereinafter referred to as joint venture)
and safeguard social economic order
Article 2
Capital put up for the joint venture shall, according to the
provisions of the joint venture contracts, be cash owned by the joint
venture partners, or contributions made in kind which have not been used
as security for guarantee purposes, industrial property and patent
In case of making contribution in kind or using industrial property
and patented technology as capital, the joint venture partners shall
provide proofs showing their ownership and right of disposition.
Article 3
No joint venture partner shall use loans, leasehold equipment and
other property obtained in the name of the joint venture as its investment
to the joint venture. No joint venture partner is allowed to use property
and equity of the joint venture or property and equity belonged to another
joint venture partner as guarantee for the capital it put up for the joint
Article 4
Joint venture partners shall agree in the joint venture contract a
time schedule that each partner should follow in putting up their capital
for the joint venture. In accordance with the relevant regulations, the
joint venture shall issue the contribution certificates to the joint
venture partners and the certificates shall be submitted to the original
examination and approval authority and the administration of industry and
commerce for the record.
In case the joint venture contract stipulates that contribution of
capital shall be made in one single installment, all partners to the joint
venture shall do so within six months upon the issuance of the joint
venture's business license.
In case the joint venture contract stipulates that contribution of
capital shall be made in several separate installments, the first
installment from each joint venture partner shall not be less than 15% of
their respective agreed amounts of contribution. All joint venture
partners shall put up their required amounts of capital for the first
installment within three months upon issuance of the joint venture's
business license.
Article 5
If all partners to a joint venture have failed to put up their
required amounts of capital according to the time schedule stipulated in
Article 4, the joint venture shall be considered as dissolved voluntarily.
The joint venture's approval certificate shall automatically become
invalid. The joint venture should go through the formalities for
nullifying the registration and hand in its business license to the
administration of industry and commerce for cancellation. For those who
fail to do so, the administration of industry and commerce shall have the
right to revoke their business licenses and make a public announcement to
that effect.
Article 6
After the first installment, in case all joint venture partners to a
joint venture have failed, either in part or in full, to put up their
required amounts of capital in a period as long as three months after the
time schedule stipulated in the joint venture contract, the administration
of industry and commerce shall, together with the original examination and
approval authority, issue a notice requiring all the joint venture
partners to put up their capital contributions within one month.
If the parties concerned still fail to put up the required amount of
capital after the time period stipulated in the notice mentioned in the
above paragraph, the original examination and approval authority shall
have the right to revoke the joint venture's approval certificate. After
the revocation, the joint venture shall go through the formalities for
nullifying the registration and hand in its business license to the
administration of industry and commerce for cancellation. The joint
venture shall also settle its credits and debts. The administration of
industry and commerce shall have the right to revoke the business license
of a joint venture and make public announcement to that effect if the
joint venture has failed to go through the formalities for nullifying the
registration and hand in its business license for cancellation as
Article 7
A joint venture partner will be considered "breaching the contract"
if it has failed to put up or contribute fully its required capitals
according to the agreed time schedule in the joint venture contract. The
other joint venture partner(s) which has fulfilled the contribution
obligation shall then inform and urge the breaching party to fulfill its
obligation within an one-month period. If the breaching party still fails
to fulfill the capital contribution obligations, the breaching party will
be considered "voluntarily withdrawing" from the joint venture and
"voluntarily surrendering" all its rights to the joint venture. The
abiding party shall then apply to the original examination and approval
authority to either dissolve the joint venture or to look for another
joint venture partner to undertake the obligations and rights of the
breaching party as provided in the original joint venture contract. The
abiding party shall have the right to make claim for compensation as a
result of the breaching party's failure to fulfill its capital
contribution obligations.
The partial contribution made by the breaching party according to the
joint venture contract shall be settled or liquidated by the joint
In case the abiding party has failed to apply according to the first
paragraph of Article 7 to the original examination and approval authority
for dissolving the joint venture or to look for a new joint venture
partner, the original examination and approval authority shall have the
right to revoke the approval certificate of the joint venture. After the
revocation, the joint venture shall go through the formalities for
nullifying the registration and hand in its business license to the
administration of industry and commerce for cancellation. For those who
fail to do so, the administration of industry and commerce shall have the
right to revoke their business licenses and make a public announcement to
that effect.
Article 8
Joint venture partners (all or an individual party) of any joint
venture which has obtained its business license prior to the
implementation of the present set of Provisions are required to fulfill
their capital contribution obligations within a two-month period starting
from the date of implementation of the present set of Provisions if they
have not done so as required in the time schedule agreed in the joint
venture contract.
If a joint venture partner has not fulfilled its capital contribution
obligations as required in the above paragraph, provisions contained in
Article 5, Article 6 and Article 7 of the present set of Provisions shall
Article 9
Joint venture partners of any joint venture which has obtained its
business license prior to the implementation of the present set of
Provisions shall sign an additional agreement specifying the time limit
for capital contribution according to requirements of the present set of
Provisions within a two-month period starting from the date of
implementation of the present set of Provisions if the original joint
venture contract does not contain an item to that effect and they have not
put up the required amounts of capital accordingly. The additional
agreement shall be submitted to the original examination and approval
authority for approval. If approval is granted, the additional agreement
shall be submitted to the administration of industry and commerce for the
The original examination and approval authority shall have the right
to revoke a joint venture approval certificate in case the joint venture
partners have failed to sign an additional agreement and put up the
required amounts of contribution within the two-month period as mentioned
in the above paragraph and their failure has caused a delay in
construction or operation of the joint venture for as long as six months
starting from the date of issuance of its business license. After the
revocation, the joint venture shall go through the formalities for
nullifying the registration and hand in its business license to the
administration of industry and commerce for cancellation. For those who
fail to do so, the administration of industry and commerce shall have the
right to revoke their business licenses and make a public announcement to
that effect.
Article 10
Matters concerning the contribution of capital by parties to
Chinese-foreign cooperative joint ventures shall be handled with reference
to the present set of Provisions.
Article 11
The present set of Provisions shall enter into force on March 1,





第一章 总则

  第一条 为加强对我省公墓的管理,促进殡葬改革,特制定本办法。
  第二条 本办法所称公墓,是指经批准建立的埋葬骨灰或遗体的公共坟地。建立遗体公墓,仅限于回民聚居区,其他地区禁止建立遗体公墓。
  第三条 公墓建设应遵循统一管理、节约用地、因地制宜、合理布局、美化环境的原则,逐步做到公墓园林化。
  第四条 公墓用地由举办单位凭民政部门批准建立公墓的文件,向土地管理部门申请用地,按批准的地点、范围建立墓区。
  第五条 建立公墓应从严控制,并须征得规划、环保等有关部门的同意。公墓地址应选择荒山瘠地,不得占用耕地。没有荒山瘠地的,骨灰可集中存放于骨灰堂、骨灰塔、骨灰墙等地面设施,或采用其它方式处理,但均不得新占用耕地。
  第六条 公墓是殡葬服务事业的组成部分,由主管殡葬事业的民政部门统一管理。其它任何单位或个人,不得擅自建立、平毁公墓或出售墓穴,也不得以任何形式侵占墓区或以服务为名变相经营。
第二章 公益性骨灰公墓

  第七条 公益性骨灰公墓是不以盈利为目的的农村基层公共服务设施,为当地群众埋葬骨灰服务。公益性骨灰公墓应以乡(镇)为单位或在乡(镇)范围内分片举办。禁止恢复和建立宗族墓地。
  第八条 建立公益性骨灰公墓,由乡(镇)人民政府报县(市)人民政府批准,按本办法第四条规定申请建墓用地。公墓管理业务受民政部门指导。
  第九条 公益性骨灰公墓不得对外经营,不得收取任何费用。
第三章 经营性骨灰公墓

  第十条 经营性骨灰公墓是殡葬有偿服务的一项设施,由县以上民政部门的殡葬管理单位举办和经营,其他任何单位不得建立此类公墓或经营与此有关的业务。
  第十一条 经营性骨灰公墓须由县(区)民政部门报市民政部门审核,经省民政部门批准后,按本办法第四条规定申请建墓用地,并按规定向当地工商行政管理部门申请营业执照。
  第十二条 经营性骨灰公墓主要为举办地区的群众埋葬骨灰服务。对邻省(市)开放经营的,须经省民政部门批准。
第四章 回民公墓

  第十三条 回民聚居地区需建遗体公墓的,由县以上民政和民族宗教事务管理部门向省民政部门提出申请,经省民政部门会同省民族宗教事务管理部门批准,方可建立。
  第十四条 对回民遗体公墓的管理,由民政部门会同民族宗教事务管理部门参照本办法的有关条款确定。
第五章 墓穴管理

  第十五条 墓穴建造应节约用地。埋葬骨灰盒,单穴占地应在零点七平方米以下,双穴占地不得超过一点二平方米。回民遗体墓穴,单穴占地二点五平方米以下,双穴占地不得超过五平方米。
  第十六条 墓穴可用砖石或水泥制件建造,墓穴以外地面应用于绿化。禁止用水泥铺盖墓穴以外的地面。
  第十七条 墓碑建造一般用卧式或横式。建造竖式墓碑最高不得超出地面一米。
  第十八条 凡在经营性公墓区建造墓穴的,墓主应按规定交纳建墓费,经营单位必须按规定的标准收取建墓费。
  第十九条 公墓举办单位可视墓区范围的大小,自行设立管理组织或聘用专职护墓人员,负责墓穴的建造、维护和管理。经营性公墓的举办单位,每年可向墓主收取一定的护墓费。墓主三年无故不交护墓费的,可按无主墓穴处理。
  第二十条 建墓费、护墓费收取的标准,由省民政部门会同省物价部门确定收费原则,各市民政、物价部门制定具体的收费标准。
  第二十一条 严禁个人在承包地、自留地建坟。已经建立的,必须限期迁出或平毁。
  第二十二条 所有单位或个人,不得为活人建立“寿坟”。
  第二十三条 公墓举办单位应加强管理,搞好服务,及时维修,保持环境整洁。
第六章 罚则

  第二十四条 违反本办法乱埋乱葬骨灰和遗体的,由县以上民政部门会同有关部门责令其就地平毁或限期搬迁。
  第二十五条 未经批准或擅自批准建立的公墓,由民政部门予以取缔,并视情节轻重,追究有关人员的行政责任。
  第二十六条 违反土地管理、价格管理或工商管理规定的,由土地管理、物价管理或工商行政管理部门依法予以处罚。
第七章 附则

  第二十七条 本办法由省民政厅负责解释。
  第二十八条 本办法自公布之日起执行。过去我省有关规定与本办法相抵触的,以本办法为准。